Carroll County Genealogical Society
Carroll County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1752
Westminster, Maryland  21158
Carroll County Genealogical Society

Westminster, Maryland
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Saturday, February 15
Preservation Basics  (Monthly Meeting)
10:00 am
Finksburg Library
Join Preservation Maryland for an introduction to historic preservation. Christiana Limniatis, Preservation Maryland's Program & Outreach Manager, will provide an overview of the history of historic preservation, how preservation projects are accomplished, and explore the benefits of preserving our historic built environment. 
Christiana Limniatis is the Program & Outreach Manager for Preservation Maryland, working to grow and expand dynamic and wide-ranging preservation services across the state. Originally from New York State, Christiana was previously the Director of Preservation Services at Preservation Buffalo Niagara and has also worked as a preservation consultant in Louisiana and Tennessee. In 2011, she completed her coursework for an MA in Historic Preservation Planning from Cornell University and has a BA in History/Political Science from The College of Saint Rose.

Monday, February 17
When Henry Silverstein Got Cold: How Terrible Enumerators Help Us Do Better Census Research  (Monthly Meeting)
6:30 pm
Online (link will be sent to members)
Speaker: Tammy Hepps

Monday, March 17
Cemetery Preservation Basics  (Monthly Meeting)
6:30 pm
Finksburg Library
Join Preservation Maryland for an introduction to the history of cemeteries in America. Christiana Limniatis, Preservation Maryland's Program & Outreach Manager, will provide an overview on why cemetery preservation is important, the legal implications of working in cemeteries, the basics of gravestone cleaning, and the various financial and technical resources available.

Monday, April 21
Using Newspapers to Research Your Ancestors  (Monthly Meeting)
6:30 pm
Finksburg Library
Ever wonder what types of genealogical information you can find in newspapers? Online, database and microfilm newspaper collections that can help flesh out your family story will be discussed. 
Presented by Meg Gers, Manager of the Periodicals Department, Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center.