Carroll County Genealogical Society
Carroll County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1752
Westminster, Maryland  21158
Carroll County Genealogical Society

Westminster, Maryland

Welcome to the CCGS Website!

  The Carroll County Genealogical Society President and Board would like to welcome the many researchers to our website that was created for you, our members and the public in pursuit of genealogical research.  Our informational offerings are rich and we continue to grow our digital content.  As we work to improve the historical records offered at our site we hope that you would join us if you are not a current member.  Enjoy the site, explore and research. Genealogical research is rewarding and we hope that you find your experience with us positive and will return often in your research.      


Research Thursdays
Research Thursdays are scheduled from 1-4 pm.  Please contact us at to schedule a time if you require CCGS Staff assistance.  We ask that if you are not feeling well, please visit us on another day.  Thank you and we hope to see you soon in the library.   
Volunteer Opportunities
You have time in your schedule and you would like to volunteer at the local genealogical society.  The Carroll County Genealogical Society is looking for you!  We have opportunities for you to lend your genealogy expertise to help others.  As the Society continues to engage with the community, we are scheduling more events we could use an extra hand or two for a couple of hours. 
Interested? Drop us an email at and let us know how you would like to help. 

           The CCGS Facebook Page
           The CCGS Facebook Group

February 15
Preservation Basics
Join Preservation Maryland for an introduction to historic preservation. Christiana Limniatis, Preservation Maryland's Program & Outreach Manager, will provide an overview of the history of historic preservation, how preservation projects are accomplished, and explore the benefits of preserving our historic built environment.    Christiana Limniatis is the Program & Outreach ...

February 17
When Henry Silverstein Got Cold: How Terrible Enumerators Help Us Do Better Census Research
Speaker: Tammy Hepps

March 17
Cemetery Preservation Basics
Join Preservation Maryland for an introduction to the history of cemeteries in America. Christiana Limniatis, Preservation Maryland's Program & Outreach Manager, will provide an overview on why cemetery preservation is important, the legal implications of working in cemeteries, the basics of gravestone cleaning, and the various financial and technical resources ...

April 21
Using Newspapers to Research Your Ancestors
Ever wonder what types of genealogical information you can find in newspapers? Online, database and microfilm newspaper collections that can help flesh out your family story will be discussed.    Presented by Meg Gers, Manager of the Periodicals Department, Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center.

May 18
Voices of the Maryland 400
In August 1776, the Continental Army suffered a terrible defeat at the Battle of Brooklyn, the first major battle of the Revolutionary War. The battle nearly saw the complete destruction of the American army, but a desperate stand by a contingent of Maryland soldiers helped to stave off the ...